
The Atolls route is the ideal route for the first time visiting the Maldives. It is the most complete because it brings together all the diversity that we can find in this archipelago, from the large pelagics to the most varied species that are concentrated in the reefs. In addition, the 4 atolls route is the perfect route to take at any time of the year, because regardless of the monsoon, the sight of whale sharks and manta rays is almost certain.

In Maldives there are two monsoons, the dry one, which runs from November to April, and the wet one, between May and October. In any case, it is a tropical climate and the sun is guaranteed in both. The Thilas are great mountains under the sea that we find from six meters deep and a maximum of thirty or forty. The foreigners are the same type of formations, but they are closer to the surface, reaching only three meters. And the Farus, which stand out from the sea regardless of the tide.