• A captivating array of marine inhabitants comes to life. The elusive and graceful white-tip reef shark is vibrant parrotfish.

Dive Sites:

  • British Loyalty (Wreck): This 5583 ton British oil tanker actually sunk twice! Once it got recovered and repaired and after getting torpedoed the second time, it got removed and was finally towed to its final position and sunk by British gunfire on the 5th January 1946 in Addu Atoll.
    The coral growth on this shipwreck is excellent, attracting a lot of marine life and acting as shelter for juvenile fish.
  • Gan Inside: This dive site is in the far south of the Maldivian Atolls, close to Gan Kandu. This dive site is perfect for beginners as it starts at 5 meters and slopes down to 14 meters.
    An exciting spot where you can encounter stingrays, eagle rays, green turtles, hawksbill turtles as well as other pelagics like jack fish, trevallies and barracuda.