• You may find yourself in the graceful company of manta rays. These gentle giants often share the stage with whale sharks

Dive Sites:

  • Van Huraveli Kandu: This channel located in the north of Meemu atoll offers a wide variety of marine life. If the current is not too strong you can cross the whole channel during the dive.
    This channel has nice colorful soft corals as well as grey reef sharks, white tip reef sharks, nurse sharks and schools of silver jacks.
  • Kurali Kandu: This site is a shallow and narrow channel with great coral life with a few coral blocks that act as cleaning stations for fish and larger marine animals.
    Manta rays at the cleaning stations, garden eels all over the sandy bottom, and nice corals. Look under the coral blocks to see resting rays and sharks.
  • Muli Express: This dive site is along the outer reef side of the Faru. The structure of the reef is like a steep slope around 45°. From 30 m on the reef, it goes straight down like a wall.
    Groups of blue-lined or humpback snappers, fusiliers, sweetlips, and other shoaling fish. Turtles, tunas or sharks, sometimes you can spot a baby whitetip reef shark sleeping under a rock.