• One of the most exhilarating encounters in Laamu Atoll is with the graceful reef sharks that inhabit its waters.

Dive Sites:

  • Maabaidhoo Kandu: This dive can be started along the reef wall or in the blue depending on the current. Here the bottom off the channel and “drop off“ is at 18 meters. This dive site can have strong current.
    Look in the overhangs to find schools of snapper or soldierfish taking shelter. Other marine life includes stingrays, white tip and grey reef sharks, barracuda, eagle rays, and much more!
  • Vadinolhu Kandu: This long shallow channel dive is located in the northeast of Laamu atoll. The drop off starts at around 16 meters. This dive site is only for advanced or expert divers as the currents can be very strong.
    This is the site for large pelagic lovers. Here you will see sharks in abundance, eagle rays, schools of tuna and jack fish, sail fish and on the odd occasion schooling hammerheads.