• The atoll is renowned for its vibrant coral formations, teeming with colorful reef fish, including angelfish, butterflyfish, and triggerfish.

Dive Sites:

  • Kandooma Thila: This “Thila” is in the middle of the kandooma kandu. From 2000 to 2009 this dive site was ranked world 10th place of shark diving. The top of the reef is full of hard corals. The sides of the “Thila” are covered with soft corals. The currents are strong here and highly recommend for Advanced and Nitrox divers.
    The many species to discover and encounter which include big schools of eagle rays, white tip sharks, barracudas green turtles and grey reef sharks, Tiger shark as a guest appearance
  • Cocoa Corner: Your best dive at Cocoa Corner will be when the northeast incoming ocean current hits this atoll, which then only requires you a minimal fin kick to cruise along. This can be a long drift or a short drift dive. Make sure you do not miss the corner.
    White tip and grey reef sharks, hawksbill and huge green turtles, tunas and which luck a surprise appearance of thresher sharks, leatherback turtles, marlins and hammerheads.
  • Guraidhoo Corner: One of the interesting attractions during the northeast monsoon, this site offers a wide variety of big fish life. The entire channel is a marine protected area. Be well prepared for several downstream washing machine currents when drifting to the inside channel.
    Grey reef sharks,eagle rays, turtles, barracudas, occasional visits by whale sharks and black mantas.
  • Kuda Giri Wreck: The Kuda Giri is a very pretty, old wreck accessible by short swim from the pinnacle. This is a boat dive with an excellent, small wreck sitting next to a very well established giri (pinnacle) with lots of small caves and overhangs.
    The outside of the ship is covered with corals, algae, sponges, colorful sea squirts, and little fish with the odd grey frogfish found on the deck.